
Great to see Justin Gatlin qualify for Rio, huh? But fuck cycling, they’re all cheaters.

Much better actually. Lots of bans etc. Trying at least.

Enough about the NFL though.

This never gets old.

After all, she could easily be part of the conspiracy. Just sayin’

Also Oswald killed Kennedy, Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare, 9/11 was not an inside job, the UFO at Roswell was just a spy satellite, and the Queen of England is not a lizard person. Just thought I should get that off the table before the crazy people show up.

I’d buy front row seats to the live event!

I would watch a YouTube channel just of Vivian Kubrick and Buzz Aldrin punching Moon Truthers in the face.

I’m sorry, but short of a mechanic saying “the timing was retarded,” there’s no reason for those words in casual conversation, whether you’re talking about someone or not.

There was a great Penn Jillette rant a few months back about the words we use, basically centering around the use of the word “bitch” to describer Hillary Clinton and that it’s unfair to women. He admitted that “bitch” is wrong then talked about how good it is to just say “Hillary is an asshole.” Politics aside (feel

but I’m not going to jump down someone’s throat for using words like that in casual conversation.

Even if Family Guy and South Park are truly satire and mean no ill-will towards groups that they mock, their fans are boys and man-children and “they know not what it means”. But they aren’t. Parker and Stone and MacFarlane (not the only ones) are puerile cultural shitstains making a buck off their emotionally

The world would be a much, much better place if people could stop for a second and imagine what it would feel like if someone said the horrible shit they’re about to say to someone they cared about. Great article. Thanks.

That applies to the comment section of every site here:

Indeed. These debates really bring out people’s pro-management bias. Underneath it all, athletes are labor, but labor sufficiently privileged to occasionally choose the location of their work. Why shouldn’t Durant do what he wants? What the fuck does he owe the Thunder?

It’s funny (by which I mean mind-bogglingly stupid) when grown-ass men debate sports decisions as if there was some kind of serious moral principle at stake. Oh no, a player chose to win and have fun over not winning and not having fun; stop the presses!

Sometimes I wonder, this late in the game, if ESPN could just change its whole mission statement and not cater to Jimmy McMouthbreather?

HEY! The bad-sense-of-what-uniforms-are-good-looking-and-which-aren’t Store called, and they ran out of you!

Bob Marley and Me