Every time a member at my church goes in for surgery or a medical treatment, the first thing we do is pray for the hands of the doctor, nurses and medical staff. Miracles are worked through their hands, denying the miraculousness of modern medicine is ludacris.
I bet you don't love her as much as jenelle Evans from teen mom 2.
Many times, in families where a loved one has a mental illness, they disappear so many times that the family becomes accustomed to them coming and going.
I was so mesmerized by this white trash meth video that I was gonna finish it! ....but then I got worried that if I stared into james’ dead zombie eyes for too long I might lose my soul so I stopped. I'm fortified by lots of brunch now though, and I'm back to finish what I started.
Since this is a “Dirtbag”, I hope it’s ok if drop a little extra garbage in it (kind of like when dog walkers throw their baggies in your trashcan. It’s ok, except for when they don’t tie the baggie”
I mean yeah, you should absolutely do what's best for your health. Your doctor knows what you need more than some yahoo online or off the street. Glad you're doing better.
But I was one of those wacky vegetarians who said things line “honestly, order whatever you want. I do not care. No. Really. This is a decision I made so I could sleep at night and not have dreams about the chickens staging a coup”
I can not wait to see this wedding. It is going to be delicious.
Ugh the chicken truck. I was debating the idea of eating meat again one morning on my commute in to work and within three minutes of that thought I passed a fucking chicken truck. That quickly ended the debate.
“Mariah Carey telling James Packer to “ditch” his yacht are absolutely false!!!”
I like to think Kourtney and I “live” for Kanye’s tweets in the same way: with a glass of wine and obnoxiously loud cackling.
Someone posted this charming vid earlier about readjustment to gravity.
That was Jaime Pressly on Anna's podcast. The confusion is real!
Trump bankrupted a casino.
It was Jaime Pressly who was her podcast guest, unless they both were on recently and I just missed Jaime King’s.
Oh man, my husband sent me her podcast, and while I LOVE Aubrey Plaza, the episode didn’t grab me. BUT TJ MILLER?! I’m on it
Way to go, Jaime King! May your voice be helpful to others.
You had an amazing childhood.