
wait, they're not using him for their advertising anymore? WHY?? His ads were damn funny.

Good for her. We all feel the right now to have and promote our opinions, as if we've all become experts. That's the resulted "social norm" that social media is fabricating. "Social Experts" - a term I've just now professionally coined for use by other people who took their time to read my words of wisdom. Thank you.

Up next! The Cheese.

Isn't triclosan the last thing you would want to put in or on your teeth, skin etc? I think they're trying to ban it up in Canada.

So who the heck have I been having a cyber-romance with the past 4 months?!? I feel so violated! oh wait...

A follow up - got the cans a few days ago, and I'm quite thrilled with them. They seem solid in build, block out a considerable amount of noise, and the noise cancellation works like a charm. It's remarkable how great these sound. I've tried the Bose and Sony's but am quite glad I ended up going with Audio Technica

Well.... You clearly don't read Giz often enough. But truth be told - if you wish to surf elsewhere for your deep journalistic expose's on technology and cutting edge issues that shape and form modern society - there's always Foxnews.com Bye.

We'll we shall see. I found a pair of ATH's for $198 (an early Christmas gift to me) and will give them a spin. It seems 'quiet time' is getting to be a harder thing these days - and the pairs I've owned (mostly cheaper units) while cutting some noise, delivered what you paid for. Now I have to wait seven days to

I always wonder what age would you put in such a bed? It's quite a drop for a 4 or 5 year old - frankly for anyone. Who here uses bunk beds with their kids - and at what age did they start?

The original is down - but if you search through - you'll find at least one repost. The work is quite great. Shows how this 'universe' could easily become quite a gripping show if it was handled correctly. Why don't they hire him to do an animated version of Firefly? The cast surely could do the VO work remotely

Someone find me the more money hack.

Truly awesome work. Wolf Smoke did a wonderful job. Should be interesting to see if they move on this idea. I wonder if it would be big in China.

Out of curiosity, are we the only mammals to have foreskin? (no, all mammals except the freaky platypus and the echidna have them) Have we witnessed other primates cutting theirs off? Ah but WE have the medical degrees don't we?

"It makes 'Dirty Harry' look like '12 Angry Men.'" - best review I've read yet.

Pretty freakin awesome. Truly. Congrats to the wonderful thinkers, engineers and support staff at NASA.

Sorry, was this product actually reviewed or is this simply someone throwing an opinion out as if they actually tested the product?

The same could be said for any Atari ST titles. They made some of the best.

How about going after all the 'developers' that rip off original ideas and make cheaper copies? That will never happen, unless the copy is of some larger developer - and they have the guns to sue.

Wow. I have very fond memories of their very early work. They always seemed uber cool in their design and programming - it's really a shame they won't let the studio be.

Which is why I strive to have a big ass time-machine drive on my main mac which is on 24/7 backing up everything I have on the cloud and my streams. This has saved my ass many-a-time.