
My Planet Ocean is a lethal weapon. I wear it all the time and hate when I forget to wear it, as my wrist feels 20lbs lighter.

The otter case isn't an eyesore - it saved my phone countless times - and I always get a kick whenever I open it and see the phone inside in pristine condition (and realize how small the damn thing actually is). Just wish those cases lasted longer than a year and a half.

How about some espresso?

What a convenient way for the 1% to become 90%.

Oh thank you for that gem.

"Deathray"'s my middle name..

Let him spend a few weeks in a prison, and see if his views on rape get clarified. He should't get pregnant...

Rich people could wipe their arses with $500 toilet paper if they wanted. (Im sure someone would make it to match their gold plated toilets).

these are the lil'nuggest of joy we occasionally stumble upon on the net. lovely.

Give this man another movie, QUICK!

And they call 50 Shades of Grey, badly written?!?

Thanks. Enjoyed that. Now excuse me.

Sad that people are such muppets.

Its an important article, especially for the fathers to read. Thanks for sharing this.

The simplest solution is to buy a tablet for each person. I'm sure that's the company's preferred solution to such an obvious problem. Oh and separate apps for each user at least until they figure out how to charge us by time-zone/geographic location use.

Smart use of the tech.

“AT&T and Verizon have expensive iPhone monthly packages, and now that Sprint and T-Mobile are fading so badly, they feel no pressure,” he said. “America is in danger of devolving into a carrier duopoly.” Not unlike Rogers and Bell in Canada who themselves own a variety of 'smaller' 'competitive' carriers some of

I'm confused. China is a Communist state, which in theory, according to most Americans, is far worse than Socialism, which all Republicans are blaming the Democrats of being, so why are Americans buying abundant things made in China? Isn't that like Rush Limbaugh voting for Obama's re-election?

It's Al Gore's fault

That was beautiful. Hey, what was with the Queen singing "Hey Jude" at the end of the show..? That, was not the Queen? Oh.