
Thanks Gizmodo. I'll keep my watch, inaccurate that it may be, I like the fact that it can be used as a weapon, dive with me and not feel like a $10 watch.

The idea that geek guys can now find geek girls who are into this, gives hope for a new geek generation. Procreate and spread!

My snake moved.

I see the source of his anger and frustration right there....

The film clearly left an indelible mark in the psyche of the women who were in it.

Bell Canada? Really? NTG... Quite interesting.

So, after reading this article, viewing the video, one could deduce the writer was indirectly suggesting a crotch based pair, especially for the guys, would be the pinnacle of efficient design, thus make writing articles like this for Gizmodo, that much easier.

it was a fun list btw - thanks

Then theres Santorini in Greece... Just google the phrase and look at the pics - they won't do justice to the island and the amazing buildings.

It was dumb, especially considering the current climate in the US and schools, but beyond that - thematically, it simply was too adult and/or heavy handed for a high school.

Blame the damn Greeks for coming up with all these funny words we use for everything but think we just invented. Malakes!

Wasn't there a recent Bond movie with a very similar scenario?

http://paris.fr.craigslist.fr/search/?areaID=81&subAreaID=&query=apple&catAbb=sss Hey, Inspector Clouseau... keep an eye out here...

Fantastic! I love the interactions. Perhaps we can see a tv spinoff - A "Spaced/Coupling" sort of thing called "Inbetweens", you know - between battles, what goes on. Shwarma.

Contrary to popular belief not everyone wants to drive a VW. People drive Fords, Fiats, Toyotas etc... According to this site, and it's fan base, everyone wants to use an Apple product and sometimes Android.

Simple - let them invent their own version of it and they can pee in their own pool as much as they wish.

Not so much a trump - but I'd bet most people had no clue what "pro computer systems" could do back then. I had used toaster and all sorts of amiga/atari/apple software up till then, then i was introduced to Quantel and was quite amazed at what the systems could do. Then again, the price was something obscene.

Now playing

I was using the Quantel Paintbox in 1990. While there were other systems out there that did graphics, this was one of the few that had touch sensitive painting using a wacom tablet interface. The system was expensive. See - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantel_Paintbox

Its sad but very true. And it's funny until you become a dad. And when your kid is a girl, you start to wonder how all this 'cheesecake' makes your little kid see herself in the world.

Does Apple give you gift cards each time you try to dis RIM? Its becoming a bit neurotic.