
Extremely well done. The VFX work and design were well integrated. The overall concept seems scary to me, but I would presume our current state would seem scary to someone 25 years ago. Gradual shifts in technology within society will make this 'evolutionary' step seem normal in the next 20 years.

It's funny but Apple's stance is finally forcing others to come at the marketplace with a more unified effort. Android would have been further along if it hadn't been fragmented so badly to date. I'd call it a car crash at the moment. Apple's been quite good (hate them for it) for pushing people to upgrade and keep

Speed Racer was true to it's material, and a tough film to create and pull off, which I think they did well. How they handled the other two Matrix films from a story standpoint is another matter. But this film - what we've been shown today - seems truly epic. I sincerely hope Lana and her brother pull it off.

God bless free-enterprise, but I must ask - is it made with rare-earth minerals? Why $7k?

One only needs to look to Africa and see the lengths that China has gone to secure resources to fully understand what will be happening. The key difference between NASA and any private company, is that NASA can't be sold. Their tech is theirs. Companies and resources get bought and sold on a regular basis. Now, if

I'll pretend I'm a fan of the industrial metal band, to fein bad spelling or an affinity to using K instead of C in some odd cases. Rock On.

This could be very dangerous. Spiking other drinks, binge drinking. Fun.

Initially I thought this was awesome, but not as my principle gear. Backup maybe, and even then... Scuba is too dangerous to risk with gear that isn't custom designed for the task.

It would have been interesting to hear the meetings they had about the commenting system and the path they took. Not thrilled with this one. Lost my star as well.

Loved it. Nice to see something good came out of that film. Great work.

I never thought of it frankly, as there's no scratch and sniff solar system book. MMMM Jupiter smells like rhubarb! Febreze®, or perhaps those pine tree car thingies may help. Beano? (the supplement, not comic book).

Yes, but neither Fusion, Nuke or Shake were written in Fortran. Which makes this pretty impressive. BTW - hi from the t.dot

I love my drobo. All in all, with all the drives I have - I probably have in excess of 8 terabytes of storage. It's really a mess though, and I don't look forward to sorting it out. But one week soon, I'll have to sort, trash and re-organize.

I thought Rogers was a ripoff - "luckily" I have the 6 gig plan for $30/month ... truth is - someone needs to setup up to the plate and calculate how much they're gouging us - it's as if our water bill was being measured in terms of drops.

vive la différence? I'm still sorting out the "permanently attached" bit.

Oh I trust them. What have they been wrong about so far?

no comment.

Pretty spectacular - where did it come from?

Think of how long it took someone to put this together. The pain and agony they had, having to watch the first three episodes over and over again to find those sound bites. The permanent damage to their sight, hearing, most likely taste buds and touch, just to give us this ditty. This, my friends, is true geek