
Thanks for all the great responses. Geek men - pay attention to the ladies. Smart is sexy. Especially in cosplay.

That's all fine and good. Now how about a brief bit on how a reversal would actually skrew up Humanity. What would happen? All our ATM cards would be wiped? Floppy disks would instantly become coasters? We all would find a decrease in our Animal Magnitism? Magneto would become bi-polar? Tell us before we all

No, but I bet he does.

Ok, cool, now where do I click off.. what?!? Windows System Error?

Where were all the geek girls 10 years ago?!? Le sigh.

Specificially spell-chekers specifically.

Now playing

Video clip shown here - you'll need to sign in, as it's quite graphic. Let's just be glad there are no Victorian Gif based erotic images here, or this might have been tagged not safe for work. Enjoy the bloody carnage kiddies!

I've been struggling with Gizmodo's definition of NSFW for a while now. When did they move their offices to the Vatican?

If it bypasses all the bankrupt cities and towns, it will get to SF in no time!

Far better than America's Got Talent! Thanks.

Digital media arts classroom, where the teacher needs to utilize a class full of usb devices. With that said - I also see cloud solutions as a good way around it.

Where would you find such devices? (brand, store etc) they look handy.

WOW! That means Balsille is behind 173 other CEOs in the US that earned up to $84 million in 2011, and puts Lazaridis firmly at #350 of the top 500 paid CEO's in the US. Thanks Gizmodo. At least now, Lazaridis can kinda afford a house in Vancouver.

If we strapped a Jet engine onto Gizmodo's staff room, would it increase the speed of this kind of "article" being posted more frequently, or would the effect be negated by the force of Giz needing to crap on RIM in another article?

This kid is awesome. Keep at it, and for the father - happy father's day - you're doing a great job.

This is one update, I'm in NO RUSH to apply. I've used street view a few times, when I remembered the rough location of something, but couldn't remember the name of the business. This has happened quite a number of times, and that feature helped me confirm the name, location, and in some cases even a phone number on

If you happen to live in Greenland; we're very sorry for you, but your country is going to be renamed Indian Ocean. Perhaps you can move to a country that Apple knows more about. Like China.

Will bring a whole new meaning to Movember.

I understand your point MP, and I think your motivation comes from the right place.

I hope they keep the designer, project manager and creative director behind this. Cause they're SUPER!