
Why stop there? Throw in some Tim Burton scripting, compositions by Danny Elfman with wardrobe by Jean Paul Gaultier, home decor by Martha Stewart and guest appearances by Johnny Dep, Flip Wilson (no wait- he's dead)... Eddie Murphy and Paris Hilton we'd have a truly epic clusterfrack of a car crash.

Always - I heart NY

It's an American company run by American Executives being paid by the American people. We should all be utterly UTTERLY pissed off at this waste. Who are the patriots here?

Quite frankly I'm thrilled with the device and the OS - the tweaks have made it even better. This was a ballsy decision and I think the best one for all of us.

You're so right. You coulda bought yourself a nano for $129 bucks - man - that's such a better value for what you're getting. The scrolling works! AND you'd own an Apple!!!

I never looked at these before - Who the hell was doing the vetting process? Mel Brooks?

The American marketplace is not the Global market.

One word - Disguise

I've been using it for a while now - and have to say it's good and heading in a very good direction.

So what's the deal with the soundtrack - did they get permission? Is this an example of use that doesn't require permission? Giz - did you do a story on copyright? I know a few educators in particular that are quite fuzzy on the matter. Anyways, I suddenly feel like a drink. Cheers

MMMM Bacon.

Avengers the Musical?

All the sheep in the house go "baaaa"... Loved the ad. Truth is, many have drunk the koolaid, Baristas included. (I own lots of apple stuff, but still laughed at this and saw the truth in it.)

"I take my vitamins" has a much nicer ring than "seeking football team"

De Caprio for Six Billion Dollar Man? Really? Hell, why not Eddie Murphy while you're at it? D.C. a great guy, solid actor, but honestly, it would be weak.



Twinhead 386sx. I lugged the thing half way around the world, and it got me my first job too! Funny how an article that references DOS can bring out all the old school... I still disagree with all the RIM hate. There was always room for both ColecoVision and Intellivision in the market. Let them be.

What has not been said, is that WB needs a new serial Film franchise.

No, it can happen anywhere. It's the trend and the trend is disturbing. We're moving in the direction where the treatment celebrities have had to endure for decades will now be common practice for everyone. We're all joining the circus, whether we like it or not.