
Honest? Not enough rain in opening shot to sell it. Casting was way off. Stiff script / Acting (see previous comment). Some nice VFX, some terrible lighting especially in the lab. Footage was good (Canon)...

This is awesome!!!!!!!

I never noticed the light and turned on Photo Booth after reading it. Very clever. Who else goes this far in design of their product? I'm impressed. (it would have been even cooler if they did the same thing for a battery level indicator on the base of the unit)...

RE: all rants about non-Nikon, Canon models;

The crap joke was the cherry on top. I haven't use the wii in ages, but still loved it's use as a remote unit and using it as a keyboard input device. Personally I think that would have been a breakthrough tech if Nin licensed it for other uses. Oh well...

Imagine watching Tour De France on TV when one of the cyclists falls in an accident. Then watch as the spectators hop the barricades to kick and piss on the fallen cyclist, screaming and shouting at him as he tries to get up and get back into the race.

Should people be able to protest without the fear of being killed or severely injured by the police or army or other services? This is the question. It could have been a Tea-party protest, or protests over public-breast feeding, or a protest over the next Michael Bay film. It doesn't matter.

Rogers has become synonymous with "vaseline" and "bend over" here in Canada.

I smell a new photoshop contest brewing....


Sam has legitimate points. Even if the skins could be changed/turned off, it moves away from the uniform aesthetic that made Apple the Braun or B&O of computer manufacturers. The contrast to Windows is equally legitimate. I'm simply glad Sam got out of the wrong side of bed and put together a coherent rant that

Awesome. Now I can measure how much actual radiation my brain is getting when I use my cellphone! Thanks Guys!

I'll heart him. I had a good laugh.

very interesting. Wonder if this is why they're using an older version of android. Also they do have the kindle app which means they have done work with HP and the os... Very interesting...

The lack of applause during the announcements was deafening.

Seconded. I'm looking at my camera right now doing a skype call with video. As for the 3G, I wish. But the chart puts into clear perspective that those $100 buck Touchpads were a solid gold buy. As for the Fire, I can totally see Bezos pulling this off. Good on him, and hopefully good for us with more downward

Very nicely done. Still, whenever I think of space and Travolta, I see this:

Start with the app thing. You don't need 40 million of them, just a core set of apps that does what the typical person needs, and the ability for people to write new code and earn money off their work. (ahem, Amazon, cough!)

I'm loving my Touchstone. How thoughtful that the Touchpad goes into exhibition mode when I put it there to charge. HP truly messed up. As for this device - $200 bucks? I'd wait for the next version of the ipad - as I'm sure Apple will introduce this feature.