
Is that where Moammar Gadhafi is hiding!?!

Didn't this happen years ago with HiFidelity?

The bar has been set. Now we need someone doing the drop while rooting Android on an HP Touchpad.

OMG! Sarah Palin might have some competition for 2012!!! I bet they read the same newspapers too!

For those actually interested in learning the facts about this story - head on over to Spiegel for all the details. Then if you wish, contrast this post with the actual article.

Sorry, did Fox News write this article? It seems heavy on opinion and light on details. Thanks for the bubblegum, now please pass the dinner, and please, just the facts.

This is fantastic! Buy these guys at iFixit a bottle of good scotch for setting this up.

Kids are smart. People shouldn't shortchange them. They see our world unfiltered by the years of crap we experience. Thats not to say who is right/wrong - but let's not use age this way. They'll surprise you with their developing insight.

Its a good deal. A hundred dollar email device that lets you update your blog, use as an e-reader, surf the web with flash, watch movies and use as a slightly expensive digital photo frame. Why did they sell out in Canada in 18 hours? Or buy a color Nook for $150 more and root it. Your call.

Just be glad that the Girl who Kicked the Hornets Nest didn't turn out to be the Musical it was originally slated to be, starring Barbara Streisand.

Honestly, it sounds like too many cooks in the kitchen, and most of them are use to boiling hotdogs.

I'd say I was smart to call this before the 3DS launch - when Kotaku posted it's MSRP, but frankly you'd have to be an idiot to think it would sell at their original price. Its new price point will make a big difference. Nin got greedy.

Solid tutorial. Fun family project, if your last name was Dahmer.

I support our troops. My condolences to the families that have lost loved ones.

The price point on the 3DS was over-optomistic at the least, but Stephen's observations are quite compelling.

I think you're pretty much on the money. Look at the Fabio campaign and how bad that was. It still resulted in hits. Medium is the message in this case. Now excuse me, I have to take a pwee.

You from Calgary then?

But I bet if we stacked our debt, it be a pretty high pile! (double entendre intended).

thank you - fascinating