
I support our troops. My condolences to the families that have lost loved ones.

The price point on the 3DS was over-optomistic at the least, but Stephen's observations are quite compelling.

I think you're pretty much on the money. Look at the Fabio campaign and how bad that was. It still resulted in hits. Medium is the message in this case. Now excuse me, I have to take a pwee.

You from Calgary then?

But I bet if we stacked our debt, it be a pretty high pile! (double entendre intended).

thank you - fascinating

honestly, it looks solid. Interesting to see how it's being distributed.

So many people would be quick to throw hate her way, or would remind us about the bird outfit she once wore, forgetting Gaga and Grace Jones's fashion statements. Bjork is an artist who has constantly pushed the envelope and her limits. On top of which, I know of few singers who have her vocal range or clarity in

What next? Their favorite Brownie recipe? How about a smoking gun showing some idiot there gave the green light to bribe police, hack phones and make people's lives miserable. And watch this hacking affect the 'evidence' in a way that it then becomes inadmissible to court letting said sh!theads walk off free.

Having a lovely time in South Gondor!

Long live free enterprise! And Law Schools!

Out of curiosity - any Canadian Gizmodo users seen this state of Uck! at a McD's in their community?

That would also mean both my children are property of Warner Bros.

Bravo. Terrible result, but would have been far worse. Bravo.

Not really fair to the guy. 1987? You would need to be a profound visionary to guess where the technology would go, and at the time, with what was happening, it wasn't very impressive, unless you were using an Amiga or Atari ST. And they could do something... But be easy on this guy - he's done great work and is a

Is this Jizzmodo, just tossing a load. Or will more funk be spewed in the near future?

Vista sucked, Philip. That's how Lion potentially could be like Vista.

It's not the $29 bucks Y. Its the constant need to modify and update other things that will not work unless you update. Its digital coercion. Has my mac become even 10% more efficient in the past 2 years with all the updates and bull that I've had to do? I doubt it. But how much time have I had to spend updating 2-3

Nope. I think she's splendid. And would make an excellent Green One.