that was good. Bravo.
that was good. Bravo.
fantastic! Good job finding and posting this.
We may not need it, but knowing Apple, they will do everything in their power to force us to upgrade to this shit. I'm personally tired of all these freaken upgrades and problems that they lead to.
Just sitting on it huh?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the age of commercial space flight! Thank you and bless you NASA for all your hard work and sacrifice.
Someone needs to patent the wiping of one's ass with soft tissue-like paper as I would wager there's much money to be made. Honestly, the patent law system is pure bullshit and leads to the retardation of progress ideas. Truly pathetic.
see, now this would be a great project for woodshop class...
Odin, I believe you're right. It's a Sharp technology that Nin is using. But you know, lawyers need to eat too.
Good job! As long as the powers that be, are ethical in their manipulation of the media and ajaopb a lba.. j ze rbejn.. qj=e0bn2340101000101111........... (dialtone)
Honestly? Why the hell would the press (OR YOU) want to show or identify who it is?
Man, those scenes must have been a joy to occlude.
That blowed up real good!
I'm sorry to say, that none of it excites me.
Par for the course... I just want to know where my +Invite is?!? Anyone?
I should have known it was MK12. Good job. Pass the mushrooms.
insert image of small fish eaten by bigger fish, eaten by bigger fish.
Must be hard being Amish.
You forgot "reasonable price point".