
Let's just send Franko up there. I doubt he's been THAT high.

Why are we arguing anything here? We are one small planet in a massive universe, barely able to contain Charlie Sheen's Ego. Yes, it's that big! You really think seven billion of us and Charlie are all alone?

First, get ready for a heavy Apple Stock tumble if they mess up and lose this guy.

In other business models, this would be called Pimping.

I09: Bob Villa Special Report: Clear Your Home Vents for Cheap!

What would the benefit be to the employee who leaked this? They're shooting the horse they're riding on, and all the horses all their colleagues are riding too. Not cool.

Don't Schuchard me Bro!

Crucify me, but I would have loved to seen that footage in 3D. Not to mention the footage thequebeker sent.

@sam4sb: Unless you're Sting.

@thequebeker: I expect nothing less from the wonderful folks in Quebec!

The Doctor's been able to do this for a while. And it's not even a smartphone!

Unfortunately, Apple is still having technical issues figuring out how to make white versions of the phone.

I have no issue with that. Makes perfect sense, as long as you can turn off the side not being used. The Visio remote that paqman is showing looks nicer though...

Great! now sewing needles will be banned from all flights. Why not throw a Whopper and get it all over with!

@Andy_Anonymous: No, I'm suggesting (in economic terms) that the "opportunity cost" of buying a 3DS IS not buying an iPad, and vice versa.

Me thinks I shall pass. I'd rather buy something useful like an iPad if I'm getting to that price range.

I hope apple properly tackles data sharing as the next big issue.

Honest, am I the only one here who's macbook pro has slowed down considerably ever since the last few OS updates? Im honestly stunned and in dispair!

I like the show. Strong cast with lots of potential.

Those Greeks. Great at Science, sucking in Economics.