@chorpie: Thanks for your warm wishes. I appreciate your deep thoughts.
@chorpie: Thanks for your warm wishes. I appreciate your deep thoughts.
You know, she still looks hot. Shame she can't pronounce "homage".
So we're going to pay over $125,000* of tax payer dollars to lock up a guy who stole a phone worth $200 bucks. Please remind me who is dumb here.
Wonderful stuff. A good reason their games are so iconic.
This product necessitates the owner to always have the phone there. How is this smart? And at that price point?
Absolutely wonderful. Incredibly inventive, full of surprises and very Christmasy indeed. Bravo! Freeken Bravo!
What a lovely christmas gift! Geekalicious!
Thanks for the smile. Grew up watching Britcoms in the Great White North and developed a love for their quirky, beautiful humour.
The 3D industry is driving their car into a fabulous, slow motion, 3D car crash. No glasses needed. How was color tv introduced? Was it the same style frackfest? How long did it take? Did anyone pay attention?
It doesn't happen often online, but this article has it's history and details a bit mixed up. Someone - I think it was JBu92 mentioned this as well.
@Pinkhamster: Just like Episode 1, 2 and 3?
I just read the latest issue of Playboy, and was disappointed with it's lack of coverage on Wikileaks and the latest genetic research on the gene that causes Autism. PAI
All Hail Excessive Packaging!
love the Totoro vid. Good suggestion.
beautiful job. Hey, Hollywood - how do you like Them apples?
First, I wonder if Sarah Palin thought Wiki-leaks was the name of one of her huskies taking a piss.