I could relate to the first one
I could relate to the first one
Again, Ferguson show's his brilliance in condensing Dr. Who into this nugget of freaky-gooy-coolness. The puppets are the "bow tie" to this whole outfit. Fezcool!
See? That was easy! (as 12:00 blinks on the Betamax Cassette recorder) - actually a good job on the tutorial - all kidding aside.
"All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again."
@tetzel1517: Very true TZ - To be frank - I can't even remember when I bought the thing - but I did use it to death - which I thought was surprising...
So early adopters of appleTV are pooched?
Truly love this guy. Some of the best monologues of any of the current hosts and the closest in spirit to Carson.
.... and we're WINNING the fight on Terrorism? I think someone should check the definition here...
I'll wait for the lazyboy version of this. In the mean time - Can't wait to see the YouTube crash videos of this thing. Hope they keep the music.
Humanity 0 - Gaia 1
simply awesome
COST. That my guess. That and having to deal with the carriers.
Great. If Moore's law applies, we should see a 64 propeller version in about 12 months.
Apple will know exactly what software, version etc is on your system and what isn't quite right. Great.
@lobstr: thank you for painting that image. I have to throw up now.
I Love Fry, but this vid was 5min 30 seconds too much.
fantastic work! the show and this video.
Besson can be brilliant many times, but he's also reckless and on occasion wastes emotion and momentum to the frustration of the filmgoer. I wish him great success and time for a good dose of reflection before he starts this project.
I never could understand the a$$ backwardness of limiting promotional material to one region (US/UK).
Cruise is probably crying tears of joy right about now. No more platform shoes!