
I see an autotune parody coming soon.

I personally trust Cameron's intent. How long has this spill been going on for?

Been using a Samsung HL67A750 in 3D now for over 2 years. Works great for what its used for.

Mark II $3500, Lens $1000, Aquatic case and flash $4500, the look on your wife's face when she hears you blew $9000 for a photo of yesterday's dinner, priceless...

Wow, I'm happy for this guy. They should ship this film to suspected illegal downloaders -

Consistency is everything. Stay Classy Central East District 9!

It's moments like this where my doubts about karma are erased.

He did a good job except for the chuckles at the beginning. We should all cut the woman some slack.

Seriously, no one chimed in with

Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force. Specifically, Loren.

love, hate, love, hate... there are only so many petals on a flower....

I'd like to make a joke about new motion controls and this guy, but I really feel sorry for the kitten and the poor kids that watched the whole thing.

Is everyone on such a tight leash?

So when's recess everyone?

Simply talk with your money.

Hes'a pretty awesome guy in'a real life too.