
@DrZaius: Imagine having to name a product that is sold around the world and needs to be marketed in various languages. It's not easy. As for not being a "word" try Xerox, Google, Yahoo, Twitter...

I'm quite disappointed to hear this from O.

Get them to sign NDA's and sue their asses for leaking any info. There are business reasons for secrecy.

I have always struggled with games that make me work for my enjoyment.

You don't mess with the boarder. Period. And at the very least, always cross with someone, as witness.

Definition / Casual Gamer (ka-zual gay-mer) People with jobs that take up at least 8-10 hours of their day. People in active full-time loving relationships. People raising their own children (or other's). People with an active sex-life not exclusively involving devices with batteries or one's own hand. People

Has anyone seen a similar test with the Wii? I'm curious to see what the lag is like on say Wii Resort. Any takers?

@Erwin: I think the clock is a standout. if they had the mario on a rotating connection to the arm, it would have been a perfect clock. (ditto with the mushroom)

Its great to see people starting to think like Nintendo. Took them long enough.

I'd seriously argue that the production budget of Avatar is much higher, probably closer to $450mil and I'd scoff at the $7.5 purchase price. In Canada the average 3D ticket is going for $13 and I'm very sure its even more in Europe. No idea about Asia. The other factor not considered is turn around time from a

I honestly can't understand why Nintendo never license their wiimote technology for non-game uses such as tv/cable/satellite box interfaces...

I'm thrilled that Ubisoft is coming to Ontario, and I hope this is a sign that the Ontario Government is finally prepared to support the film, television, tech and software industries with a cohesive development plan that ensures growth and prosperity for the various creative and tech industries.....

SNL should talk to the Onion about stealing some of their creative. This was brilliant.

Ahem! Baseball IS boring, compared to most sports, including Bass Fishing. But you have to give Nintendo credit for (seemingly) coming up with extremely creative twists to a standard hit the ball and run game. I'll be buying this, it looks like it could be fun.

For those non-japanese-speakers out there... a translation of the page...

His neighbour, Alota Fagina - same problem.

Nintendo should make a special batch of Wii's that are as safe as a suppository, then ask Greenpeace thoroughly test them out.

How do you broach the subject that your kid is chubby when its the parents who in theory are controlling what the child eats? Just who parents kids these days any more? Nintendo?

This was bound to happen. It's funny how easy it is to direct hate to a toy that promotes physical activity, and claim it can hurt the self esteem of people who take it's advice too seriously.