
She is such a badass diva she cant even be bothered to sing her own stuff. Boss level 10

What I am talking about is what happened in the beginning of the primary. Sanders was winning states from Clinton. It was reported all over the place and the running joke was that Clinton might loose again, like she did to Obama. But the lesser reported story was, that even with multiple states in his favor from

Once the fix was in, sure, it would be stupid for a super delegate to throw away their vote for Sanders and ostracize themselves. The gig was up in February, and no Democrats (that is in office, not voters) objected. The media and establishment just let it happen. Sanders would win, and Hillary would get all the

As for the second point:

Sorry, but the reality was that Clinton was winning pledged super delegates while loosing the inital states to Sanders. The game was rigged from the beginning. Sanders never had a chance because they stacked the deck.

Ok, now you’ve actually, digressed to 1st grade! LOL. You and I both know dung can’t even form a thought and it’s not conscious. It’s not even self aware or a lifeform. It’s just poop, something another living thing excreted. I am pretty sure most first graders don’t think turds can think or run a mega

Cream, You are ignorant to how the Democrat primary worked. There are two ways to get the votes, by votes of people and by votes of the SuperDelegates. There were two scandals, one, which is totally above board, is that the Super Delegates went against the wishes of the people in their state to vote for Hillary,

Nicely put. The tin foil hat crowd screaming “the Russians did it,” is the cherry on top of the denial sundae the left if feeding themselves. I mean really, the same Russians that the Democrats have let walk all over them for the past 8 years? The same Russians that Hillary herself claimed to have “reset” relations

Calling Trump names only makes you look like a 2nd grader.

Shut your mouth hole racist. Trump is pretty much exactly like Hitler, and the US is very similar to 1930's Germany. I know this to be true because AmeriKKKa.

Stop it. Stop right now. If I hear the “more people voted for Clinton” bullshit one more time, I’m going to gnaw off my arm. The only goddamn true thing Donald Trump said all year was that, if the popular vote had been the metric by which the presidency were decided, it would have been a very different campaign. Now,

You know what? People were just fine with political theater right up until this election. People just accepted that politicians were full of shit a lot of the time, and that we were just forced to vote for the one who might shaft us the least. We knew it, and when it lined up with our own personal beliefs, we

Oh, but it couldn’t possibly be Hillary’s fault for being the single most untrustworthy candidate to ever seek the office! It must be the fault of the Russians, or those goddamned Bernie Bros. No way could it possibly be due to the fact that she spent all her time courting Republicans, instead of liberals, because she

I’m not making equivalencies between the men, I’m making equivalencies between the reaction to the men. The point is that people tend to exaggerate.

On the contrary, both sides have repeatedly called for curbing these executive excesses. The problem is that they only do so when the presidency is in the other party’s hands, so nothing gets done about it.

We did this to ourselves. All those broad executive powers given to GWB and Obama are gonna come back and bite us all in the ass now. This is what happens when you let the executive get too powerful. And yet neither party will call for any of it to be reined in because they want it for when it’s their turn. You can

I really thought this article was going to be about Chobani’s ascension in 2017 to being the most popular yogurt in America.

Youre supposed to shoot them out the window, dummy.