
Dear Directors/Producer/Studio-exec.

I know that the duck is a representation of a toy duck instead of a real duck, but still: Monopoly now has three theropod dinosaurs as game pieces.

Yeah, when I read “eating an Antelope goes horribly wrong” I assumed the antelope had antlers that punctured the snake after it was swallowed or as it was being vomited back up so they both wound up dead. Just barfing up a big lunch and being captured but not killed is an annoying outcome, not “horrible”.

I think the issue is if you leave it alone, you’ll lose track of it, then it becomes a problem again when it pops back up. You have to remove it while you have sight of it. It’s unfortunate it had to barf up it’s meal, but after safe removal, a snake that size won’t have any trouble finding another meal.

It was a wild animal on his property. If he had wildlife or kids or any kind of outside pet, he was fully justified in having the animal removed. He didn’t kill it, he didn’t set traps or anything, he just had it removed.

The farmer had been losing livestock for a while and suspected something. I don’t think he’s an asshole for wanting to get the snake off his farm in order to protect his property, since that’s his livelihood.

CoolMiniorNot isn’t exactly a small company in the boardgame world. Their word is worth as much as FantasyFlight or Hasbro at this point. This game will come out, but none of the buyers really know if it’s good or not. This is exactly a preorder.

Why is it that when child porn is involved, intent doesn’t matter any more? Two guys working to ELIMINATE a crime get reported to the cops for committing the crime, and the cops go with that?

Uh huh...you’d report people who were trying to let you know of child porn on your platform. Then you’re an asshole, too.

I reported a profile whose many photos consisted solely of racist images (with anti-Irish and anti-Asian/Muslim slogans). Facebook responded that they had “reviewed the Profile you reported for being full of inappropriate content and found that it doesn’t violate our Community Standards”.

Wow...further proof that those who run Facebook are simply complete assholes. BBC should have reported Facebook for receiving child porn just to stick it to them. Technically Facebook did ask for the pictures, which is *also* illegal. Just wow...

The good: It’s been released and is actually a real thing that exists.

You explained it perfectly. Hudson is an iconic character and for me, “Game Over” is said as a sign of respect, not as a joke. Fans get it, even if others don’t.

Shh, let the professional victim get second hand offended by homages.

Thank you. Just wanted to make sure! :)

We used to play “Aliens” in our school playground. It was kinda like a modern ‘cowboys and indians’ but more complex. You started as a marine - when an Alien killed you, you crouched down as an ‘egg’ and had to wait for a marine to run past you and ‘facehug’ them so you could be

I would like to point out that I didn’t post it as a “joke”.

It’s homage to the most iconic role I’ll remember him for, and one of my all-time favourite movie performances. Hudson was fantastic.

Isn’t it great?

What would you call it when you look at something and try in vain to comprehend it, but it’s just completely incomprehensible to you? Saying you read something implies understanding. I don’t read Jezebel. I pay attention to Jezebel and I’m met with the unhinged screeds of a group of unrelatable disillusioned silver

Man, the author of this article is doing nothing but further racial tensions by slinging mud and massively generalizing an entire group of people.

Economic boycotting as done by the ‘left’ - Perfect! Heroes all.