
You’re replacing a human job with a robot.

That you’re erasing acting to a degree. The fear being one day you won’t even need to hire people to make films, you’d just cut shit together from other films.

It’s only an ethical issue for people who don’t understand what ethics actually are.

There is a question whether Cushing himself would have wanted his likeness used after his death.

Fat man in red spreads cheer on this xmas day

I bring joy wherever I go. Some places where I arrive, most places when I leave.

I just want them to connect everything up (well okay, not everything, but at least Prometheus and this film with Alien and Aliens) and have it all make sense in the end as a whole, for once.

I am cautiously optimistic. I liked the trailer.

It is the Special Edition, i.e. the completed, canon version of the film.

Maybe they are waiting for the 40th anniversary, that is less than 6 months away at this point.

I would think the original cuts would look like utter shit in 4k. Those boxes around the starfighters would take you right out of the movie.

Oh come on. Let’s not all be coy here. The Iowa player rebounded the ball with four seconds left and tried to do the sportsman-like thing and stand there and let the clock run out. But the North Dakota player rushed him and ripped the ball out of his hands. It’s pretty clear that that’s the issue, not the fact that

Disney had more guts then most people gave them credit for! Keep it up Disney! *thumbs up*

Chronic, Dude, this was exactly my thoughts too. I think the gesture was awesome. My first thought though was, “If he’s at BB all the time, he’s probably avoiding a stressful home life or some sh1t.” I also though, “I wonder if his older brother will monopolize on it or break it or some sh1t.” I hate that I have

Ignore the schmucks. I volunteered afterschool in a mostly white area. I had the same reaction as you. It stands out that he really does not want to be at home. Plenty of kids I worked with would have an even bigger problem on their hands bringing that home, and a few would feel like you are trying to get rid of them

I’m not getting the hate for CHRONICpeace’s comment. He/she is only stating that they hope the kid has a good home to go to. I grew up avoiding time at home. Whether it was playing Magic the Gathering at school and studying physics and chemistry, home sucked. My parents were the type to tell me not to accept

The Gamestop i used to work at we had 2 different young dudes, probably 16-19, who would come into the store and spend hours there. They’d just wander around the store, play the demo systems, chat with us about games they’re playing, Magic the Gathering, Pokemon etc. After closing the store they’d often be sitting on

On, Imgur, this is pretty much the only remotely “negative” thing people were saying. Based on the kids’ reaction that seems very likely the case. It seems like he goes to Best Buy to avoid going home. It’s hard to say from such a short video though.

Sadly this is what I was wondering. That was an awesome gesture by Best Buy’s employees but I hope that that teen can actually use and enjoy his present because if he can’t he’ll probably feel too ashamed to go back to that store.

Pretty awesome. I just hope his life at home is stable enough for him to actually use it. I used to volunteer at a after school program, and so many kids/teens were there because their parents/guardians were negligent or abusive. I can just imagine him going home, and having his parents say, “You didn’t pay for that!”