
Agreed, seconded and starred.

Probably identifies as incel.

Well, I guess the new chief of staff betting pool can start in earnest now.


Is it Possible that Code 45* shows Unthinkable Stamina and is Better than all other Sad, FAKE failures? Just asking!

According to other reports, Sean Hannity is really Trump’s Chief of Staff so Kelly’s authority has already been undermined. Kelly risked his reputation and credibility to work for a screaming toddler. I’m sure Trump being openly sexist and misogynistic appealed to him. I doubt he will last until June. Good riddance.

Of all the things in this, the “Kelly is the ‘bigger gentleman’ who steps in when aides use foul language to note ‘a lady is present’ “ thing bothers me the most.

Men have higher rates of suicide and waaaaay higher rates of violence towards others, but sure bro, we’re the emotional ones. 🙄🙄🙄

Instead of “John Kelly, Whose Boss Is Donald Trump, Reportedly Believes That Women Are More Emotional Than Men”, how about:

Thank you for sharing your story. I was molested by my mother’s boyfriend when I was a young child and then by my best friend’s father when I was in the 7th grade. I told no one.

I had a discussion with an older gentleman about just this yesterday. He couldn’t understand why a woman would wait 20-30 years to say something. (So they all must be lying). Getting fed up with black men using this as a defense for Cosby I asked him “If you got raped would you tell anybody?” After specifying that I

To all of the misogynist trolls...dismiss is my friend. And more often than not, I also wish that I could flag for “sheer stupidity”.

I think there’s a pretty big difference between running episodes of the Cosby show, created by and starring Cosby, and watching films financed by Weinstein’s production company...

I worked as a rape counselor for many years. Rape allegations divide all communities. We live in a patriarchal society controlled by men. Men have found it useful to perpetuate the lie that all women lie when it comes to allegations of rape. And, sadly, many women are equally complicit.

What got Bill Cosby “into trouble” was drugging and raping women.

A rapist is a rapist. A predator is a predator. Even if only ONE of Cosby’s accusers was telling the truth, he would be and still is a rapist.

To repeat my stance from the other post: Where you draw the line is both personal and tells the world about the sort of person you are. You got choose wisely.

I admit that Kanye, R. Kelly, and Chris Brown all making terrible music makes it easier to draw that line.

I’m pretty sure that the teach reading in Europe, so how did you miss the lesson as to make a reply that has zero percent to do with the actual title of the story?

NGT couldn’t give you enough stars.

“I used to support it but its taking down successful black men and I’m not with it.