Good analogy. They can usually manage to point him in a given direction, but they have no way of preventing him from making a mess of things whenever he opens his mouth.
Good analogy. They can usually manage to point him in a given direction, but they have no way of preventing him from making a mess of things whenever he opens his mouth.
F O R E V E R more, the Republicans are the party of Trump. We must never let them off the hook for that. In the words of Sobchak Security (Where has he been?) we must salt the earth with the Trump administration.
Frederick Douglass is very popular with the kids right now.
Trump and F-Doug are super-tyte right now.
Did the thing! Slavery?? Lynchings?? It was unclear what “thing” Republicans did, but they sure did that.
He talks the way his base thinks - in sweeping generalities, non sequiturs, and personal attacks. Logic is rarely/never applied, and he moves from statement to statement likes he’s sampling from the buffet at Golden Corral. “Mmmm, rolls, you know what? I love rolls, I think I need some chicken, but hey! Pudding! Who…
My curiosity is much engorged by this.
I think we’d all generally dance and sing if the current GOP were as good as the party of Nixon.
They are now officially the party of trump.
Faux and Fiends just realized that you can’t control the kraken after you release it.
The GOP in words: “We’re the party of Lincoln!”
He always takes things like Jackson stepping down so damn personal. He actually makes a threat saying Tester will definitely lose all because he dared to question Jackson’s background. Is that admission that Trump’s going to personally try to rig an(other) election?
When Trump says “people don’t realize...” whatever comes next is something that Trump just recently learned. So Trump just recently learned that the Republican party was actually the good party 150 years ago. Maybe someone could teach Trump the concept of “things change over time?”
Umm, in this interview, Trump admitted Cohen represented him in the Stormy Daniels lawsuit.
one of the president’s favorite defensive, though by now inaccurate, facts to trot out...Kanye’s smart.
Trump did make one bit of news, acknowledging for the first time that his attorney Michael Cohen had represented him in the Stormy Daniels case.
“You have the luxury of not knowing what I know — that flying first class, while extravagant, probably saved lives; and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives.”
Damn you Al Franken, you could have been my Tom Cruise in this movie!
You want me in first class! You need me in first class!
Personally I’m hoping he has a ‘Network’ style “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take thie anymore!” meltdown in front of Congress.