
They’re as progressive as they can be considering the states they hail from. What, you want a Republican in those seats? Because it could easily happen, even in a year like this.

If Bernie loses the nomination to a more mainstream candidate, I’m going to stay home to show my displeasure and really stick it to the establishment!

Which is why everyone who thinks this tangerine turd is bad needs to fucking VOTE! The biggest chance of Trump winning a second term is eligible voters who stay home. Trust me, the Trumpvangelicals will be out, will you?

Well, you see, Trump is a Republicans are hypocrites…

Yeah, I’m giving him a pass on the drinking. The horrendous lack of relevant experience though...

Seriously. These goddamned people.

Well, you see, Trump is a hypocrite…

Veterans have lobbying abilities compared to teachers insofar as republicans listening to them.

NICE- Chem Trail writing. His wacko base will love that one.

I’m not American, so correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the issue of indiscreet communication the entire fucking alleged problem with Clinton’s emails?

No, he wanted her locked up because she was using her White House email account for private uses, or something along that lines. The key point is both Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump did the exact same damn thing months ago and were caught red-handed. That’s about the time he stopped saying Clinton needs to be jailed.

When Jackson appeared pretty fidgety with a glisten of sweat on his brow at the briefing on Trump’s health, I just chalked it up to nervousness and/or making statements under duress. Now we know it’s possible it was just from riding the uppers he had to take to balance out all of the booze he needed to prepare himself

Isn’t that exactly what he asked HIllary CLinton get locked up for? Crooked Hillary. Who he still insults and smears every single day. Her big crime was using her own blackberry, right?

“He is not just unqualified, he is likely incapable of running it.”

By this time next week he will have military fighter jets sky-write his messages to his handlers, and anyone who advises against this tactic will be accused of unpatriotically HATING our military.

Oh I know he’s not. But neither is Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson, Ryan Zinke, or Scott Pruit. And their departments are every bit as large.

Trump obv didn’t care, but the VA is HUGE and Jackson has literally zero management experience. He is not just unqualified, he is likely incapable of running it. Republicans may not care about morals, but they need someone who is at least competent enough to push their agenda. Jackson is not.

“doesn’t have the experience you’d think would traditionally be required at the...”

Honestly, I would absolutely forgive “excessive drinking on the job” for anybody who had to go into the Trump White House every day. It’s the people who show up at the Orange House sober that scare me more.

MORE: These sources confirm Tester’s staff is reviewing allegations of “Hostile work environment. Excessive drinking on the job” against Jackson. Also, “Improperly dispensing meds.”