

Tangentially-related rant....

it does.

“The American people are finally going back to work” sounds somehow demeaning.

Let’s just take a minute to imagine the outrage if Fox News had learned Obama was using an unsecured private cell phone.

Trump’s White House has already been paying the cost of poor OpSec. We are learning more about the workings of this White House in real time than in any previous administration.

Here, let me help:

Apologies for going off-topic, but Canadian news and American politics just intersected in the most disgusting way.

both sides.....
thoughts and prayers....
why aren’t they investigating Hillary.....
isn’t Rossane on tonight.....

“Everyone enjoying this sunny day? Yeah, I did that!”


I’m glad that our leading environmental defender has declared wood burning to be carbon neutral because I made a plaque at camp with my name on it using wood burning.

Trump is using his personal cell phone more, sources tell CNN, because this wild teen has got to be free.

The thing with this president is things that SHOULD be extremely significant and that we should be talking about, aren’t talked about, because there is just SO MUCH going on that is significant.

It’s like how we focus on plane crashes, but not car crashes. Not because car crashes aren’t often tragic, but mostly because

Well, I don’t know what we expected. Trump wasn’t one of those kids who had to invite the unpopular kid to his birthday party because his parents hated that kid as much as he did.

It’s also notable that changes in policy are also involved. During the recession SNAP was extended to more people (notably unemployed adults without children, who traditionally have a time limit for SNAP benefits), and it’s been slowly pulled back since.

Not that there was any question at this point, but the fact that the president hasn’t said anything about the Waffle House shooting and James Shaw, shows me he’s a racist.

“Trump is using his personal cell phone more, sources tell CNN, because this wild teen has got to be free. Using his own cell phone, though quite stupid from a security standpoint, allows him to circumvent Chief of Staff John Kelly and talk to whatever idiots he feels like talking to without oversight.”

Here’s a great stat - since January 2017, the number of people forced to use food stamps is down 1.9 million. The American people are finally back to work!