
Olivia Jade Helm

AND he’s getting rid of a lot of the National Security Council. AND his Treasury blocked that IRS whistleblower. AND our foreign policy has been replaced by a packet of conspiracy theories printed out in giant Giuliani font.

And don’t forget that wee matter of the CIA General Counsel filing a criminal referral on Trump’s behavior, and Varr & Pompeo blocking her.

I miss Jade Helm

They’re still doing their damnedest to change the subject so they don’t HAVE to defend it, all right. That’s what’s so pathetic about these Sunday show tours.

Tucker can’t defend him. So he’s down to “OK, so he did it, but is that so bad? It’s not impeachable.”

Want to learn a new one I just picked up at Gateway Pundit? Pour some fresh coffee and get a dose of this.

He denied it very strongly and I believe him” seems to be contagious.

Accurate! I was about to suggest how much that dog sounds like Jim Jordan in the House floor trying to drown out the answer to a question he asked.

I loved it! I’m very glad that the Sunday show circuit is catching what started last Sunday.

Well, good; I hope his claws are sharpened up and ready to go.

“It depends on what the meaning of 'deliver' is."

Does Perry have any history of going for the throat? Or are we hoping his latent Texas Ratfucker gene will kick in? I would be happy either way, if he publicly turns on Fatboy.

Has this been making your every remaining hair stand right the fuck up on end, too? Jeeeeezus!


And Perry’s name came up how many times in the call?....

The rock has glasses on, so it MUST be qualified.

Now that’s an interesting angle. I’ve always had Perry pegged as strictly spineless, squishy in re Trump, not the Texas fighter archetype. Dim as a refrigerator bulb, besides. Is he actually made of sterner stuff? If he did fight back against Trump now (AFTER he just got finished announcing he's quitting), I'd be

And a really good power-washing for the grill. Hooo, the smell of those clots in this heatwave