
Aw come on, that's a cute pun.

Parts of Fury were very well done, but everything after the tank becomes immobilized was a bit difficult to accept.

I think of mushrooms as more the taint, which is probably only slightly better.

I try to be sympathetic to the lack of budget, but…well, I'll have to keep trying.

"Hey! Who let the ape extra on the set?!? Oh, my apologies Mr. Jeremy."

I'm not sure what the timeline is, but if it's 15-20 years, I'm even more upset. Fuel, food, ammunition…all of these will have expired even just three to five years in.

It's the aforementioned voice-over that cements the darkness…yes, to these apes and "humans" this is bad, but you know, in the cosmic sense, nothing changes and nothing matters. Bleak.

The part of Battle that I struggle with the most is that it appears to have been shot in somebody's back yard. I mean, a big back yard…pretty nice, but still a back yard.

At the risk of enflaming the Non-GMO crowd…

Why do onions make you cry?

"then it should be no problem for an army with the knowledge base of the US military to do upkeep a few weapons and vehicles."

Ahh…we're all adults…hideously mutated adults, but adults nonetheless.

To be clear, I didn't dislike the first reboot. I won't say I liked it, because of all the winking, but it killed the human world in a believable way.

Ok, that's funny.

Yeah, but I find all the inside joke winking to be tiresome. The first one was all "hey, they said this in the original!" and the first few times I was ok with it. Then it became just too much.

As these movies have progressed, I've gotten more and more frustrated that they all succumb to McG/Terminator disease - We need humans to still be a viable threat/villain, so they have weapons and infrastructure that shouldn't exist any longer.

I reveal my inmost self…

I had to quit gaming around the time of the first Max Payne game…I had a problem with time management…

I'm surprised if the critique of the Bournes focuses (ha!) so much on the camera work that no mention was made of the over the top editing and graphics of Man on Fire.

"Michael Mann’s Collateral might be more of a thriller than an action movie, but it had some of the same regular-guy-in-impossible-situation thrills as Die Hard."