
I stand by my assertion. I hear what you're saying regarding the theft of source material though.

Possibly. I purchased a Def Leppard song years ago and then one day…nope. No longer available.

I've heard this rationalization before, but with getting too strident, it's just justifying theft. Does Bill Gates or Steve Jobs need more money? No, so just steal your next computer or digital device.

Your mayo addition is interesting. The ketchup and mustard blending is not for me.

Interesting…but as I said, it's not like the taste of ketchup is appreciably changed based on temperature, so if you want to let yours warm, I think that's ok.

And I will put refrigerated ketchup on your corpse when I eat it.

I'll just wait for the congestive heart failure to get you.

"because cold ketchup is gross."

I swear they had a second single. Not as big as Too Shy of course…

I'm a musician, so I feel like illegal downloads would get me a fast track to Musician Hell.

They released a new album a few years ago. I want to buy it, but I want it on CD not download because I'm old. But I'm also cheap, and I don't want to pay $14 for a jewel case and some small print.

I appreciate your time and enthusiasm. But I don't think I can make the stretch…I'm something of a picky eater.

They are tasty!

The third one is strong, and a bit more conventional than Chinese…closer to Resident Alien. There are a few heavier songs as well.

Hmm…I've enjoyed some of Chuck's work…might be worth a peek.


"name another song by them beyond "In the Meantime"?"

I will look that up!

I'd like to think that. Maybe I'll give a look…

I don't illegally download music. Now if that search produced a legitimate site, I'd be happy to download it.