
Despite the weakness of T3, Nick Stahl does a pretty good world-weary John Connor.

"an excuse for a lot of car-related dad jokes and "remember this thing? eh? eh?" pokes in the ribs."

The last three I could see having the "together alone" concern being applied to them. But the others…it's too late to get into this, but while some are somewhat solitary pursuits, they don't seem to have the same isolating qualities that cell phones do. Some of them actually promote community.

Yeah, I never really thought about it.

Yes, this. Are the plots original in Cars? Nope. Do I care? Also nope!

While I've exercised remarkable restraint, I have purchased Cars toys for me. Not nearly all the possible offerings, but a few.

That is interesting. Really. Maybe it's because they're cars and not people.

I've tried em from family owned "Since 1938" butchers, and yeah, they're not bad, and certainly better than mass produced brats. But I still want my tubed meat with a different accent!

Aww…don't make comparisons between Cars and Bay…that hurts. ;-)

"people do still hang out in person."

Unfortunately, Mrs. Gorplee isn't a fan of spicy salsa, so the "mild" stuff is ok with her.

I am growing weary of this Cars bashing. I've been defending this series all over this site for years. Certainly kids like it for reasons that are obvious; talking cars, bright colors, vroom-vroom…

I'm sure they do. Like I said, talking cars, bright colors, and so on.

" It's a whole lot like cell phones today."

Woo! That might be a bit beyond my comfort level.

Maybe? I don't want to get bogged down in a long discussion of emissions quality and electric cars vs. internal combustion and so on…

Our palettes disagree. And while I've had Johnsonville products, I've also had "homemade" versions from this butcher and that brat fry…they're never bad, but they just don't land for me like other expressions.

Oh! Hmm…you know, as a childless adult, I've never thought about the "message" that much. But now I have something to think about. Really. This could go few different ways…

"mild spices"

Might I inquire as to how old you are?