
It's not like I'm missing her not showing up again, but "whiny female" bothered me less than "precocious ragamuffin".

"Cars made more money at the box office"

I don't want to reduce this to physical attributes, but we've all seen Kate Capshaw right? Perhaps Willie and Shortie are both irritating, but I know which one I'd rather watch for 90 minutes.

I think if Lightning hadn't seen the folly of his ways by the end, that would have been irresponsible. But isn't that the arc of most material aimed at younger viewers - Be shitty, learn a lesson, be less shitty?

You can roll your eyes all you want, but that doesn't make my statement any less true.

"he never holds the forward movement of the plot hostage to his comic shenanigans."

Wait. Kate Capshaw is the hated side-kick from Temple of Doom?!? Not that terrible Short-round?

"Cars 2 was definitely as bad as people made it out to be."

I disagree. The Cars movies are most enjoyed by people immersed in car culture.

But this one…this goes to X…

Next release.

Needs more X…

Well…I don't like to give up on something somewhat in the middle, so I watched this last season of The Last Man on Earth all the way to the season finale. But I was hate-watching it…I knew I was done with the series after that last episode.

Same here. Felt like "yeah, they're old, but not decrepit."

I'm not trying to pick a fight but…

Those might be worth it. There's a difference between "raw" and…well whatever happened on TSRTS.

Isn't BBC early in their career? I could see that being less shitty.

A friend of mine, who was way out front on "new" music, saw them in the fall of '91 just as Nevermind came out. Dave Grohl threw a cymbal through a window at the back of the hall. That was received poorly.

Interesting…not familiar with that. But then again, if Song Remains was a concerted (ha!) effort and it came out like it did, can you blame me for not pursuing other live recordings?

In the studio, they're a great band. And they wrote some classic songs. But live, they played horribly. Even in later years, when you'd assume maybe they'd scale back the debauch, they still sound terrible.