
I lived in SC for eight years and it seemed like they were always somewhat nearby, but never at the right time or close enough to make it a slam dunk.

I'd like to join you at the Allman Brothers show. I had occasional opportunities and never took advantage of them.

I'm going to call "Are you sure about that?" on the Zeppelin choice. I've watched Song Remains the Same a handful of times and that performance is…not good. Maybe if I, like the band (I assume) and the fans at the time (seems almost certain) were high as fuck on whatever, I'd be able to look past how sloppy Page's

Any version of Pink Floyd. I'd have been happy with the Gilmour era, and really that was my only chance since I was 10 when The Final Cut was released.

Mind. Blown.

Not extra-virgin olive oil?

Many of the McCormick marinades call for corn oil as an ingredient.

That's very considera…creepy…no…considerate.

Does he…does…is there some lube history of which I'm unaware?

Who's the spokesperson for this PSA?

Others have pointed out the sneaky thing, but really, who uses that much corn oil in the course of a month in normal circumstances?

So true…

The voice of experience? ;-)

That's a hot tamale!

Corn oil? Because lube is in such short supply?

So true on so many different levels…

Raising Arizona, Lord of War, Knowing, and after perusing his IMDB credits, that's it. I've been told Adaptation is worth my time.

Embarrassing admission time…

Is it? As a son of Pittsburgh, I'll be damned if I ever eat anything that is not Heinz ketchup. So yeah…all you catsup people can go to the end of the line with the Hunts bastards!

Ok, that's three… ;-)