
Yes. For me, the movies in which I think he does well he's great in, but sooo much of the other stuff is either weird in a bad way or bad in a weird way.

Oh I have seen Vampire's Kiss. I didn't just wake up and decide to dislike Cage, I worked my way into it.

"an official prequel comic book…I would place it somewhere between "unessential" and "actively harmful""

"'Nic Cage and Sean Connery break INTO Alcatraz' may be the best one line plot of all time."

I think I made it through about 25 minutes and I just couldn't go further.

Yes! Space Madness! I still use that term.

I said Armageddon was bad.

Seriously, who in the hell says "catsup"?!? Besides whomever this guy is and Mr. Burns?

Armageddon IS kinda bad.

"the higher-grossing but much shittier Armageddon"

Nobody is going to see this 189 comments in, but the V-8 interceptor does NOT keep getting destroyed. It is in perfect shape at the end of Mad Max, totally destroyed in Mad Max 2, and not in Thunderdome at all.

An interesting distinction…

That's true, but skill in hitting the target is tied to what the target is.

It's up there. I would like to nominate the Ribisi line from Avatar…something like "That's a whole lot of cheddar!"

Which seems plausible in future world! Really!

I had more of a morbid curiosity about the effects. I had this board game called Ultimatum, a game about nuclear war! (Fun for the whole family!) The instructions featured essentially a blast table that explained how far away you'd have to be to survive in this type of structure, or this type, and how bad the fallout

I caught it again somewhat recently and had the same thought…will this still have an impact?

"It's insanely watchable for the spectacle alone. "

For better and worse, I was a Titanic buff before the movie came out. Had the books, knew the story…I was unable to suspend my disbelief.

In the theater?