
Well…I kinda see what you're saying, although I bet there's snobbery in street food from foodies as well.

I made a comment about Spaghettios somewhere in this thread, and you've touched on the core of that comment - Like Harry Potter? Super. What else have you read?

That's fair.

I don't know how he does it either. But so far, they've made it work.

I gave up on fiction because of TV. TV provides, now more than ever, quality storytelling. But TV, with a few exceptions, SUCKS at educating. Even when it doesn't suck, it's only 100-level material.

Agreed. The LW may not be the former.

Somewhere around this thread I mentioned that I get stories and entertainment from TV. But I don't get learning from TV. Even the supposedly educational channels are barely that, and much of the material is 100-level.

Certainly there are "adult" books that are not challenging, just as I'm sure there are YA books that are well-written.

Up next, the seven ways you should be whitewashing your fence. #5 will surprise you!

Then you are a good person. Really. But for the LW, it doesn't sound like they'd embrace your closing sentiment.

Fair point.

It's not a dislike of fiction. I can get entertainment from TV, but learning I get only from reading.

"she's the kind of person who isn't supposed to like Harry Potter"

So that disparity doesn't impact your parents, and that's great. But the LW doesn't sound willing to make that compromise.

It's funny…it just struck me that most of the regulars who visit this site have to have some snobby little corner of their world, or they wouldn't be here. And I am certainly in that number.

"why the letter-writer comes off as snobby."

I suspect I'm going to type variations on this response quite a few times today.

"like Scotty Bowman"

Yeah, if a kid sees somebody reading, and it motivates them to read more, that's good.

"Hell, they might show some interest in your snobby thang (whatever it is), and that's a plus, right?"