
"If you take a YA book like The Hunger Games and compare it to popular fiction that's ostensibly written for adults, The Hunger Games may well come out on top in terms of both prose style and content."

"You don't have to like the same books that I like"

"Having a pop-cultural touchstone as a common ground with new people is sensible social (dating or otherwise) advice, not "changing who you are". Cultural literacy is important."

Ehhh…I think it's great if it gets kids interested in reading, but I'm less enthusiastic when it's adults.

It's not impossible for people with disparate interests to have a meaningful relationship…I have a friend who reads only historical non-fiction and his wife reads mostly celebrity tattle-tale magazines…but without an outlet like you have, I imagine it could lead to difficulty.

"I don't even dislike them, I just wish they weren't the beginning and end of so many people's recreational reading"

"even if only to see what the big deal is about."

"And maybe go ahead and read Harry Potter already."

Too soon. ;-)

I think I know where you're going, but to be sure, elaborate please.

I hear what you're saying, but I stand by my assertion. Listing whiskey alongside the others reinforces the perception that it's something independent like the others, and not the umbrella term.

Not that smart, because I misread your comment.

Ehh…can I get a Caribbean Cask Balvenie instead?

I too think it's been 25+ years since I've consumed any Night Train. I don't miss it.

Hey! Distilled spirits are 100% whole grain!!! ;-)

Oh I'm not impugning it for being sourced. If it tastes good, enjoy!

Not a vodka fan, but that doesn't sound repulsive. This Salty Watermelon stuff…take a watermelon Jolly Rancher candy, lick it, drop it in a bowl of salt, then put it in your mouth. Gack!

Add the distillation proof, barrel-entry proof, and bottling proof requirements, along with the mashbill variations, and you could fill a minute.

Oh no, I went through three or four years, from 21-25, of "Woo! Drinking! Drunk! Who wants shots!!!" Then my friends and I all moved to different parts of the country, putting an end to the carousing.

You're not going for a gender thing are you? Like I was bashing her for being a woman?That was not my intention.