
I caught on HBO and thought the Apache scenes might be exciting…I can't remember how far I made it, but it wasn't long.

Yeah! Corrupt DEA, that's it!

"Gary Oldman to absolutely inhale scenery as an absurd crime-boss villain."

"Cage had taken action-adjacent roles in movies like Wild At Heart and Red Rock West, but never anything like this."

"It remains, quite easily, the best movie Michael Bay has ever made."

I thought the Bateman/Garner dynamic was fascinating, but then again I'm old and don't like Tic-Tacs.

Wait, so Kong represents out-of-control imperialism? He's not just a big ape? Because I bet many many people think he's just a big ape.


I feel like doing Bart's speech from the original Kamp Krusty episode. I've been burned by late-model Simpsons episodes before, but this was crap.

Now that's responsible parenting!

Is it possible that the character-driven elements of the film are there because of the R rating? If the audience for this movie is expected to be older, can the producers scale back slightly the aspects that are designed to appeal to a younger audience?

I have never seen Bad Boys and I never will. And the review of it here did nothing to change my mind. The also-rans is where most of my "huh?" reaction comes in.

Funny you mention that, because as we move further into the 90s, my impressions of the "winners" are less and less positive.

You're not wrong on any of your objections. Again, some screenwriter somewhere would earn their pay if they came up with a plausible explanation for the transfer to our world.

Ok, that's funny, but come on! It's consistent with the internal logic of the movie.

I had no clue who she was sired by, but when Stephen said "Lea Thompson" I thought I could see a resemblance.

"Where would that giant army have materialized, exactly? In the arcade?"

Ehhh…I'm not willing to go that far. Vampire's Kiss, Fire Birds, and Honeymoon in Vegas all fall in your timeline and are integral parts of my campaign against Mr. Cage.

We've got a pretty good run of History of Violence ahead of us…what, 22 weeks or so?

Haven't seen that in decades, but I could see how he might not suck in that role.