
Well said.

Not being in the computer wouldn't stop me from seeing it, but I get what you're saying.

Boom! That's the sound my mind just made.

Also, while Edge of Tomorrow was the Groundhog Day plot as well, I really liked the movie. And the reason for the resets was plausible.

So Zoey Deutch was on Colbert the other night, and as soon as she described the plot, I thought "Oh, Groundhog Day, but for teens." I also thought that NBC-era Letterman would have burned her on it, and that Stephen not doing that was probably better if less funny.

I was sorely tempted by a bright pink Hello Kitty guitar years ago. I'm sure it would have sounded terrible, but the juxtaposition of a big guy with long hair (me) playing a Hello Kitty guitar almost made it worth the price.

Well…Flynn explained that if he could get Quorra into the meatspace, there'd be no limit to what she could do, so the script was already setting up a move out of the computer world.

I thought the plot was better than ok.

I just can't get past the half-a-beat off thing. So if you do this exact thing, work on the timing please!

Now that I've gone back and listened to it again, I think you might be right.

Yeah, it's consistent…

I think it's shit.

Also, this kinda sucks. He's "playing the whole song" poorly.

John Paul Jones would like to have a word with you…

Yeah, so it's not that song, nor is it the UFO version.

Well sure an explosion would attract attention. I was thinking more "the guards will show you out" meant a trip through the soundproof room with the metal-grate floor.

Also a distinct possibility.

Here's the pitch!

Funny you mention the marketing, or lack thereof.

I wouldn't think the Mystery Guy's employers would care too much about that. Hell they probably have a room and a dedicated staff for it!