
Yeah…not for me. And one of the early examples of Cage work that discouraged me from pursuing his work.

That's interesting. I see your point, although I'd almost put Apocalypto in more of an adventure vein.

Live to ride, ride to live!

Well that's obvious. Too much water!

See! That right there! Sooo bad…

I want to see Adaptation. I've had it DVRed and had to dump it for space considerations.

I can't wait to see who comes out to defend Con Air. Because man it's just silly, and Cage is not believable to me as an action hero.

Ah. Got it.

That dopey Cage thing works for me in some roles, and trust me, I was surprised that he wasn't bad on Lord of War. But like I said, otherwise…pass.

I've wanted to see Adaptation. It's even made it to the DVR but got dumped due to space issues.

Yes. One of the things I thought the Mad Max series got right was the nature of scrounging. Are these shotgun shells good? Hey, I saved these shells for just the right moment. And so on.

Gives new meaning to the phrase "Shooting your mouth off!"

"But it also wasn't, you know, that bad."

Only with three box tops! So it's kinda a giveaway…

There are maybe three movies where Cage works for me.

Heat might be enough to redeem it.

"have no problem revisiting Armageddon on occasion."

As a former Pittsburgher, I went to Sudden Death with such high hopes. And beyond seeing my favorite Pens logo and the image of the helicopter falling through the open arena roof, it's just ten kinds of stupid.

Nic Cage is a positive?

Also, Waterworld goes downhill from the moment when the water washes over the…I think it's Universal…logo at the beginning.