
Heat is not an action movie. It's fantastic, and I love it. But really, there isn't one explosion in it, and that's kinda how/where I make my distinction between action and not action.

"a vicious opportunist who rages against people for exploiting his father without realizing that he’s doing the exact same thing"

I was going to quote some Maiden lyrics, but then it seemed inappropriate and I'm depressed now.

I still play old Atari games now. A friend in his 30s loves the old games, and we play them through a ROM emulator.

I was just talking about the 5200 the other day in a different article here! It had Pole Position, and it looked like the arcade version, so I was content.

I would like to fight you!

When I was 14, almost every day was whacking day!

Others are reminding me of that as well. (Like I need to be reminded!)

Ahh! It burns it burns!!!

I suspect Milos was booked because while the words that come out of his mouth are offensive and unpleasant, the First Amendment protects that, and Maher seems to take championing the First Amendment seriously.

During the McCarthy era in the 50s, people in the Republican party wanted to know why Eisenhower wasn't doing more to stop Joe from doing his thing. Ike's answer was he was giving McCarthy enough rope to hang himself.

The Japan thing is news to me, but also makes sense. Even when Four Roses was essentially out of the US market, they were still "big" in Japan. Four Roses makes two expressions exclusively for the Japanese market.

Hey hey! Sorry about the two week delay, but it was for a good reason.

I still have my very first Cort Flying V(Gibson style) and it's some kind of plywood.

(squiggle squiggle snap)

"because they're about loneliness, and boredom, and that powerfully sad feeling that there's "nothing to be done."

"there wasn't much to it and it wasn't really worth thinking about afterwards."

Ok, so I'm 46, and when I was in the dating world, if you broke up with somebody, that was it. No "let's be friends", it was over.

(looks around furtively)

I hate celery. Hate it.