
This is really funny and just terrible at the same time!

Couple things here…

I started typing that, but I have some projects I need to finish this weekend (ok start!) and I don't want to get bogged down in replying to angry Translation-istas.

Really? I figure the knives will be out for me in force.

"Most of this quirkiness can be filed under “cutesy,” and will either delight or irritate, according to taste."

I'm going to stake out a unpopular position here and say that Lost In Translation is a terrible terrible movie.

Because I am loyal to a fault and have a predisposition to ruts, I watch every new episode.

"he’s executing some manner of low-level scam of dubious legality and morality despite being a raging airhead who seems to live in a world of his own"


The quality certainly changed, but even then the jokes seemed more connected to the characters instead of just random well…randomness.

So…what wood was that made from? "Wüd"?

"one can make the argument that they did first, but others have done it better since. It's a valid argument."

That's a bold statement.

Derivative thrash? They invented the genre!!! What, are they ripping off themselves?!?

This whole Adele/Beyoncé thing being the same as Tull/Metallica is a false equivalency.

Well none of the good ones!

LOVED the crackle. Wanted a BC Rich Warlock with the red crackle finish SOOO bad.

"94% of people can't answer these 23 questions! Can you?!?"

This does seem like the information equivalent of the Hot Stove. As in, you touch the hot stove once, and theoretically you never touch it again because burns. And we've all been burned on some clickbait article at least once.

Yeah, I didn't either.