
Bonus upvote for using "champing"!

I have two M.A.S.H I.V. bottles full of some probably terrible clear spirit. Comes with the tubing as well.

Savage college girls?

"I call shenanigans on this tour guide."

1) Yeah, I can't imagine reaching for that, but if you're a vodka drinker looking for something beyond clear, maybe.

Yep, I've heard that pneumonic device as well. Fits for Japan too - no e and no "e".

In the spirit(ha!) of full disclosure, I'm not a vodka fan. And I've tried recently too. While I acknowledge that some people like the clean taste of vodka, it's all those weirdo flavored expressions that really sour me on the category.

"I wasn't trying to be pedantic. Sorry, I guess it wasn't clear"

You want a 1.5 liter bottle then. They're almost always glass and they frequently have a handle!

Vodka gets a bad rap because every synthetic flavor ever produced gets pumped into at the factory. S'mores flavored vodka?

In a continuation of the discussions I've been having over in the bourbon Drinkery article, the idea that the presence or lack of the "e" in whisk(e)y tells you what you've got is driving me crazy! The subsets have names for a reason! And they're all very different from each other!

I loved that movie!

Amusing story time!

"First of all, saying "Walking Dead sucks" does not make one a "contrarian.""

Yeah, I suppose so, although I find less of that here.

And isn't that what religion is all about? Fine parsing and pitting friend against friend!

When I lived in Clemson, I have a friend who lived in Jacksonville. When we'd go to visit him, I would avoid the interstates as much as possible and take 28 out of Abbeville, then run around Augusta (although we did go to the science museum once) and take 25 south from there.

Trading in stereotypes I know, but I figure the Wahlberg are more Irish drinkers!

I could integrate that into my script. Mahk is moving to KY, Bowling Green specifically, to open up a burger location to take advantage of the Corvette workers.

Is this John Cleese? Because you just described a Monty Python sketch! And that's a good thing!