

"Pappy Van Winkle 15yo for $99, and I didn't enjoy it as much as the bottle of Evan Williams Single Barrel that I had just finished."

Except all around the world, bourbon is bourbon. Or are you saying that if I walk into a bar in Glasgow and order a bourbon (which yes, is unlikely), they're going to pour me a Glen-whatever and tell me it's what they call bourbon?

Can the AVC set up a spoiler-space type board so all the people who think the show sucks (and have for years) can go off and pat each other on the back about how superior they are to the sheep that still watch it?

"I had a cranky alcoholic grandfather who always had a glass of cheap bourbon in his hand."

Bourbon is whiskey. Whiskey is the category, bourbon the specific expression. And if you think you can't find "complex" bourbons, you need to expand your samplings.

"all commercial brown spirits, have their colour adjusted with the addition of caramel."

Really? We need a primer on bourbon? I suppose some people might have had their heads down over the past ten years.

Spirit in the Sky was also used in Contact.

Agh! You can't move it from Bowling Green to Boston! I'd rather see Wahlberg do a Kentucky accent. And I'm sure some bourbon element could be worked into the script.

I decorated a wall in my studio using those and the CDs computer magazines used to include.

"the rye-only packs are as fantastic as you'd imagine them to be."

You can get them in grocery stores in Milwaukee for sure.

"I live on the border of GA and SC"

Really? 63 comments and nobody mentions the opening sentence about "beating into our heads?"

Well how about that! I always associated them with the southeast.

"So I have to admit that the Quebec ones were better."

If there's one thing I learned at the World of Coke museum/tour in Atlanta, it's that the world's tastes are very different. After the "Hey! Sample some of our products!" section, there's a "Hey! Sample some of the products we bottle around the world" and they almost uniformly clashed with my America palate. Very

You're from IL aren't you? Are you saying Quebec curds are better than Wisconsin's?

Well that's just solid common sense!