
McDonald's would like to have a word with you…

I think of Steak-and-Shake as a southern thing.

Sad isn't it? Because I too could see it happening in real life.

What? You'll have to speak up, I have two punctured eardrums!


Fair enough.

I have friends who really enjoy grappa, so I got them two bottles of locally distilled grappa, two different varieties. I of course sampled the two and…well…let's just say I'm glad they like it.

What Winston said!

Yeah, I was not aware until I performed some research for my response that this was some kind of OCD need for symmetry.

Sorry about that.

"not the only drinks for adults"

As somebody in their 40s when the show came on, I thought there might be some insight to be gained.

Hmm…not sure what Coffee Crisps are, but I get your point.

Way ahead of you! Never drink a Bloody Mary, Caesar, or whatever the next version is called again.

"you generally have cocktail sauce, horseradish, and lemon as ingredients."

A distinct possibility. But if you don't have a great experience the first few times, and bourbon and scotch and irish do exist, it's difficult to keep running into that wall.

Don't know what icewine is.

(consults the internet…)

I was just there today. It's not that bad.

Some of my favorite bands/musicians are Canadian, and I'm a big hockey fan, but when it comes to the Canadian perspective on alcohol, we must part ways. A Bloody Mary on its own is a drink too far for me, and the addition of clam…essence?…doesn't make it any more approachable. And I've never found a Canadian whiskey