
Hello Mr. Wanserski,

As I mentioned, there is some irrationality in my response. But while you are willing to look at this as gentle well-meaning nudging, I see parents desperately trying to win the parenting competition.

This whole article enrages me. Yes irrationally, but there is a nugget of rationalism at its core.

He's not alone…we just don't have the opportunity to say it on national TV.

Katherine Webb?

I really want to give Mr. Murray the courtesy of respecting his opinion.

Smokey and the Pork Belly? Hal and Burt are attached!

Huh. Would not have guessed that.

Yes this. I've been saying for months that excluding the unexpected deaths (like Fisher, Prince, and George Michael), people are going to keep dying and we're going to be more aware of it because of social media.

Ok, 46, so I'm in your age range. But your "era of limited options" comment makes it seem like Kiss was popular only in 1913 before Victrola usage became wide-spread.

Ah Torgo…I think we've crossed tone-arms over Kiss before.

Better watch out Ms. Ihnat…if your fellow staffers see this comment, you're going to find all your stuff packed up in boxes when you come back from break!

That's a fair point. It's just the relentless Kiss-bashing that used to be the exclusive province of Rabin appears to be spreading.

So does the entire AVC staff hate all things Kiss?

Yeah, WI's tolerance (ha!) for drunk driving is both baffling and disturbing.

The Copper and Kings top expression is quite tasty, and even though it's high proof, is still quite drinkable neat.

I would say it's a meta commentary on itself. The whole movie is an illusion; there's nothing really there, just like a trick.

"I don't think Gareth Edwards knows how to" light a scene properly. FTFY.

Tomorrow's packed, but I can have my assistant set up a meeting next Tuesday!

"Skynet also makes the excellent point to John that a hit team being sent through time to destroy you before you're even created is just as much applicable to it as it is to him."