
Interesting. I does get around my "Oh no! More Terminators!" complaint.

"Well, to me every Terminator movie is simply repeating the one before it, only bigger."

"there's really nowhere to go once you hit that point in the chronology."

"My interest evaporated when Arnold steals the male stripper's suit."

I've defended Rise of the Machines here before, and I will again.

Excluding Furlong, holy crap did my future senior year roommates and I spend tons of time discussing this movie. The time paradox of course, but also we were all somewhat (ok comfortably) nerdy, so the CGI work was a hot topic as well.

"if you happened to be about Furlong’s age when the movie came out, as I was, that didn’t matter; he was the coolest motherfucker alive."

Reading the minds of AVClubbers? He's gonna get a lot of puns and a lot of Simpsons quotes.

There's a chapter on her in the David Halberstam book The Fifties. It also covers the scientists who developed the pill and the rich dowager who bankrolled her.

Ok, I think it's clear that the New Word a Day calendar on Mr. Hughes desk offered "polymath" today. He used it in the the Alan Thicke obit as well.

Just her lungs!

That's Neil Young. Both Canadian though, so it's a forgivable mistake. ;-)

I think we're talking about the same shirt…

He had a poorly (and justifiably) received shirt about AIDS too.

I'm going to assume you're being sarcastic.

Seinfeld quote generator?

I've been calling New Country "Southern Pop" for years.

I'm surprised at all the praise for this episode. It felt like just a bunch of random ideas barely strung together.

Like COLD cold, or just not hot?

"Rebecca Gayheart doing all those Noxzema ads really did a lot to boost sales."