
That's part of the conundrum. It's not outlandish to think they're in the same category let alone family, but I think of soup as something you eat with a spoon, and chili with a fork.

"the CGI affects just don't have the same visceral ick factor the original's did"

I'm cool with the 2011 remake, only because it does update the effects, which I usually try to give a pass in movies that are older.

I was freaked way out by The Sixth Sense. Something about my state of mind at the time, the coldness of my house (I like it crisp) and a dog who would occasionally bark at what seemed like nothing combined to keep me tense for a few weeks when trying to go to sleep.

I mentioned this upstream a bit, but working on menus at a printer is what started this whole discussion for me/us.

I think of chili as chili, a category unto itself.

This discussion started for me at a printer. We were working on menus(prepress) and got into a discussion about if chili should be it's own section on the menu, or grouped with soup.

Interesting. I've had this discussion before, but never had anybody bring up a third choice.

Here's the question -

That's an interesting perspective.

KotH was at it's peak while I lived in SC, and I found it made the people around me a bit more relatable. (I'm from Pittsburgh.)

In 3-D!!!

Mine is certainly worn, but still intact.

Blow Out is worth your time. It's flawed…I won't spoil which parts I think are flawed, but there is some interesting camera work, and the sound editing is well done too.

Well, there have been many tough choices in this series, but I feel like Mr. Breihan's tone was a bit more rapturous than normal because he loves this movie independent of this column. That his perspective has been clouded.

Yes! This needs to happen!

Good to know? ;-)

I was able to snag the poster for Last Crusade from my college programming board office after the movie left. I still have it!

He ain't got time to bleed, I know that!

Yeah, that one got past me. I watched it on HBO when I was way too young to "get" it, and I haven't seen it since then.