
That's gold Mr. Deltoid! Gold!!!

Wait…are you saying "Booo-urns"?


Evidently it was. I saw VV in 1982 and was 11 or 12, didn't get it, and clearly forgot anything about the plot.

Once, when it was on HBO and new, and I was maybe 11 or 12 and didn't get it.

Others have pointed this out in this thread. I think I've seen it only once, when it was new, and I was way too young to appreciate it.

You are one of many who has pointed this out. And as I'll say in other comments, this is news to me!

"Pittsburgh dorm room"

This is the first installment where I think Mr. Breihan's choices are warped by his love of the source.

Manfred Mann's Blinded by the Light?

"a woman dressing up like a drag queen"

I'm sorry to be negative, but this article is crap.

My up vote doesn't mean I thought it wouldn't suck, it means I agree with you- doomed from the start.

"The costuming also doesn’t do her any favors."

I pursued this film entirely because of DePalma's Blow Out, which despite it's flaws, is still enjoyable.

It's on somewhat regularly. I watched it just a few weeks ago.

And since you (Mr. O'Neal) mention it, I love that Roger Daltrey song from Quicksilver.

"the album’s most enduring track"

Sure…they work together in perfect harmony!

But honestly, Beyond the Lighted Stage kinda did the same thing.