
I have. It's interesting. I always thought the mix for Freeze was a mushy mess, and now it's not!

My wife has seen about five Rush concerts now. She went willingly, but I wouldn't describe her as a fan of the music. Her motivation is different each time.

I was just thinking that. I had to click on the More Comments bar to see yours and there it was!

And a magazine I think. Or it used to be.

This was very interesting and enlightening…and then just horrifying there at the end.

Thanks Mr. Modell!!! It's been illuminating to say the least.

Saves on printing costs too!

I did not know this. I was reading the strip in collection form, so it was all hooters to me.

Everybody needs a hobby…

Well, the Greeks also think olives are edible, so let's not put too much weight in what they thought thousands of years ago.

Except it's not a planet. It's a star. The biggest star in the solar system! And it's gonna be uge!

By the way, saying "But they're from Nashville", as if Nashville is some island of artistic integrity. The whole town is built on pretty people singing somebody else's songs.

I hear a little of the singer for All American Rejects as well.

Nebraska when it's late and I'm editing photos and I'm drinking bourbon.

Well who hasn't made that mistake?

"you know, since I was a little kid, thanks to "Doonesbury,""

I hate to be that guy, but Hawking's book is A Brief History of Time, not Our Time.

Snap-brim I think.

Well, people don't plan to fail, they fail to plan.

Dude is 64 and expects to have 24 more years of life? How optimistic, even before you add in the smoking and sedentariness.