
Thanks again!

Agreed. Live Rust is fantastic.

No love for Gaucho?

State fair appeal restored!

If it works for you, I'm glad.(No snark.)

"there SO MUCH old shit that I haven't heard yet, either."

Sirius used to have an appeal for me…hear it on an airplane, or in a rental car, and it was different and exotic and so much better than terrestrial radio. And I did like the hard segregation of the channels.

Took me a second to get it, but that's funny. Cold, but still funny.

I have the Queen albums, and I always describe myself as "Blue album" Beatles fan.

"so there to your ad hominem"

Thanks for the reply!

I won't say I actively "tried" to stay active in entertainment demos, but I was somewhat with it into my late 30s. But even that exposure was "accidental".

Smashmouth causes the bends?

Good point.

"Feels like a follow up to yesterday's Fleetwood Mac article."

Let's all take a deep breath here…

His presence is necessary for fire to exist?

"Queen's Greatest Hits"

Say Mr. Modell, I have a question for you.

"(Who needs SiriusXM when you’ve got all these CDs?)"