
Also, this piece feels very click-baity and designed to drive people to the comments section(and more ad views…hello Hilton hotels!) so they can offer their greatest Greatest Hits choice.

Is this guy having a stroke? The first two paragraphs read like they came out of a draft that he hasn't fully polished.

Well, cool is in the eye of the beholder, but I have an '89 RX-7 GTUs, one of only 1,500 that I love, and I have an '86 Dodge Omni GLH-Turbo that was my father's. It's currently in the middle of a long restoration, and you know how sometimes that can drag on longer than you'd anticipate.

I still enjoy it…

I'll take what I can get!

Cars 1/2 are great movies. You car-ambivalent, non-race watching people can suck it.

I'm going to take this opportunity to be the lone defender of both Cars movies.

Upvoted for Pharmaceutical Voltron!

Is your hatred of improv why you engage in it only occasionally?

"there are others on the list that are more egregious than Silver Linings Playbook."

The "good folk" time was when they ran the first list and I merely added Tropic and Forgetting.

Powdered sugar.

Well…I just didn't see the comedy in it. I'm not a big fan of dysfunctional family comedy, so even a movie like This Is Where I Leave You, with it's solid cast, wasn't all that funny to me.

Well you know how he is when he gets all that syrup in him…

Can I get a liter of Farva?

Say, are you a cat, jumping around all nimbly-bimbly?

Oh he had his moments, but that's kinda the problem…moments. His sense of humor just didn't seem like a good fit for SNL.

Well, he was pretty damn funny on Dave. But he was an acquired taste.

You AVClub staffers are all high!
