
I loved Chris Elliott on Letterman, but seeing his name and face in the SNL credits that year just felt like trouble.

I'm done trying to be delicate about this. Yes, in some cases I know what a family needs, and in this case, it isn't fifteen siblings.

End times here people! I agree with Doug Stanhope. His rant was a bit more coarse than I'd go for, but he's not wrong.(To me.)

I'm going abstain from snark, because maybe your mother-in-laws' family is fantastic.

Five over fifteen is different than five in five, but it's still at least two too many, maybe three.

"Instead, I see the red circle with a number in it (usually a 1, because one person replied to my comment to tell me to fuck off), but when I click on it I just get a thing from Disqus telling me that a real live Disqus account would be great"

This would be really funny down the comment line where somebody else offered how their friends are fairly oblivious to The Simpsons.

Purple Haze by Winger!

Well, we all like (or dislike) what we like, and I enjoy the wanking.

Monsters or Rock '88 or The US Festival or GTFO!

My musical tastes aren't that varied; while I enjoy different types of music, I tend to really like the bands I like and not listen to everybody from a certain genre.

"it has lost its relevance to most people who weren't around for its heyday."

That's true, but I don't find myself peppering conversations with quotes from it. Or referencing situations I experience in real life with "This is just like The Simpsons/Seinfeld."

Which event?

I can see your point. But up until then, damn it's funny.

Well, I enjoy Shaun and Fuzz tremendously. End…it has funny moments, but I didn't react to it as a comedy. Gary's arc is more bittersweet and inspired a bit too much introspection of this 45-year old's life.

"But it's a list. So oh well."

The Simpsons is pretty influential too.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Tropic Thunder. Come on! If we're all about deconstructing clichés, how can Thunder not be listed.

Yes, this song kills me. And this whole deadbeat dad thing…I have NO idea where that's coming from, and now it's taking on a life of its own in these comments.