
Testify brother!

"Ive always felt that music is a performance thing primarily."

"named him Master J. Newkid"

I can almost muster some understanding for your A point; it is difficult to feel sympathy for somebody who already has, by almost anybody's standard, more than they can ever use.

Respectfully accept your disagreement; I meant only on the "We chew and spit you out" part of Damage Inc. I used to have more pick-hand speed, and even back when that song was new, I struggled to play that part all down-strokes.

Interesting. I can agree that Black is the literal bridge between thrashy and more mainstream. Makes me wonder if the thrashier songs were hold-overs from Justice, and the others were newly written with the mainstream in mind.

"there's plenty of people making money off of putting their shit into the ether without the security of the old-industry business model,"

You are…wow…that's a minority position right there…

I found the key was to not get hung up on the "all down-strokes all the time" technique. The bridge is much more achievable with alternating picking.

Last in Line!!!

I still really enjoy Justice, just not as much Master.

"I always thought it was because they hated Jason"

I thought we were talking about those Duracell ads…

50-50? ;-)

"I would have loved to have seen them live during the Black Album era."

I'm not saying Nothing Else is a bad song at all. But it was definitely a move away from what pre-Black fans expected, and it certainly overshadowed Through the Never or Don't Tread on Me.

Yeah, there's something about Kill em All's…roughness…that fits really well with those songs.

There are actually good Metallica songs on The Black Album too, they've just been overshadowed by Nothing Else Matters and Sandman.

Making me say "Ha!" a second time tonight.

Ehh…since there's no guitar on it, it's more of a solo piece, and then with drums.